News broke last night that Derrell Johnson-Koulianos had been arrested and suspended from the team. Marc Morehouse broke the news and has the whole story on the charges and a copy of the court document. What it basically boils down to is that DJK lived with a drug dealer and was doing drugs (marijuana, cocaine, and prescription drugs) himself. He is now faced with 7 drug-related charges and is making an initial court appearance this morning.

Coach Ferentz released a statement that DJK is suspended, which probably means his career at Iowa is over: "I am highly disappointed to learn of the charges. Derrell has been suspended from all team activities."

I have long bit my tongue and have not publicly acknowledged my disapproval for DJK. I told my family over Thanksgiving that he was my least favorite Hawkeye ever. I generally try not to say too much negative about a player. They are just college kids after all and are not paid to play. The personal attacks of Iowa players this past month via Facebook were terrible. But DJK is making it too hard not to say something now.

The writing has been on the wall. Coach Ferentz has punished DJK over and over though the reasons never really came out. There were also rumors of fights with teammates, mouthing off to coaches, etc... So despite his record-breaking numbers, I have always felt DJK was more of a hindrance than a help to this team. For every big play he made there was another play that he took off, missed a block, ran the wrong route, gave up after an interception, etc... I am assuming too much here perhaps, but with the rumors and his public displays of ego, I think he was like a disease of negativity that broke in with his elegant rhetoric and flashy stats. Sure when the team was winning he was probably a joy to be around, but I can only imagine what happened when the team was losing. He threw a hissy fit on the sidelines last year against Michigan State when he knew he wasn't getting the ball on the final play. So, it's not hard to believe that he may have voiced his concerns about not getting the ball enough.

Before the season started, DJK posted a message on Facebook (which has now been deleted) that made it sound like he had his head on straight. It was inspiring and got me fired up for the season. He said "there is no 'DJK' in 'team'", that he was more interested in highlights than headlines, and that he was on a "mission to go from doghouse to penthouse." Well, it turns out that was all talk. He is now looking at going from doghouse to the big house. I guess at least now he is getting the media attention he desired.

What is sad too is that he had his own "Blind Side"-type of story, rescued by the Koulianos family, earned a scholarship to Iowa, and was going to graduate and probably get drafted in the NFL. Now, who knows what will happen. Let's hope he gets his life straightened out and take some of the things he has said in the past to heart.